AISA International NGO
PATH and Expression of PEACE


AISA International NGO is an officially accredited partner by the UN and its Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) in areas of expertise as varied as Culture of Peace, Gender Equality, Social Development, Environment, Governance World, Ethics and Spirituality.

aisa cercle

The International Day of Living Together in Peace

House of peace

Education for the Culture of Peace


better live together in peace

International Day of Living Together in Peace

At the initiative of Sheikh Khaled Bentounes, Honorary President of AISA International NGO, 16 May is now celebrated around the world each year.

education culture and peace

Culture of Peace Education

Peace is now. From the desire for peace, Humanity must make every effort to live the Culture of Peace on a daily basis. This is what AISA International NGO invites.

couv rapport aisa
House of peace

The House of Peace

The House of Peace is an inclusive space promoting encounter, reflection and action with a view to developing and disseminating a culture of peace. After the creation, on June 4, 2016, of the first house of peace in Almere, in the Netherlands, other spaces are being built around the world.

vivre ensemble parfum

The perfumes

VivreEnsemble perfumes are above all a story of passion, commitment and encounters. Born from the creation of Sens et Essence, the parent company of the brand, Vivre Ensemble aspires to embody the quality craftsmanship and beauty of perfumery made in France..

