The culture of peace
A contribution to the global effort for the advent of peaceful and inclusive societies.
“Since wars begin in the minds of Men, it is in the minds of Men that the defenses of peace must be built. »
Constitution of UNESCO, 1945.
Culture of Peace Education
Faced with current social, technological and environmental challenges, today’s education, focused on the acquisition of skills and the labor market, must evolve.
Education for a culture of peace is an awakening of consciousness to the unity of life, to respect and to the diversity of life. It transmits universal values such as benevolence and empathy, solidarity, justice, sharing, respect for others, differences and the environment.
It allows you to live in harmony with yourself, your fellow human beings and the natural environment as a whole.
Finally, it promotes the development of a new consciousness, of a shared vision for a common planetary destiny.

Culture of Peace Education Platform
Peace at the heart of Education

The unit of life:
It helps us to perceive that life is a whole based on the symbolism of the circle . If we consider the human body as a whole in which each organ works for the whole body, then we can extrapolate this understanding to all of life.

Respect for life:
It allows us to respect the role of each being . The universe being structured and intelligent, each creature has its role to play, from the smallest bacteria to the largest of mammals, including planets and galaxies.

The diversity of life:
It allows us to consider the difference as an opportunity . The chain of the Living is maintained by the interdependence of all forms of life.
And in practice…
“Regularly mobilize the efforts of the international community for peace”.
“Together united in difference and diversity in order to build a viable world”.
Mediation is essentially a process of ethical communication. The mediators are the humble weavers of the dialogue of mutual understanding. They are the guarantors of genuine dialogue and deep mutual understanding.
In our societies, mediation assumes 4 functions:
- Create link
- Rebuild link
- Prevent conflict
- Settle the conflict
This is an opportunity to implement the International Day of Living Together in Peace.
The tool par excellence of collective intelligence
The CEVQ is a tool that makes it possible to develop a new benevolent reading grid, based on cooperation, synergy and collective intelligence .
The CEVQ is based on three virtues: sincerity, benevolence and humility . The first allows us to express what we feel. The second creates a climate of trust between all. The last puts us at the service of one another.
The CEVQ allows everyone to express and develop their potential in a spirit of complementarity. This synergy allows the emergence of a collective intelligence.
The CEVQ sets up an egalitarian positioning between the people who compose it, oriented towards a common center . Each person is at the same time first and last whether it is by his participation and his qualities or by his inertia and his faults.
In summary, the CEVQ makes it possible to MOVE FROM THE CULTURE OF I TO WE:
To access
to knowing how to live together and to excellence.
world citizenship and belonging to a community of destiny, that of the human family.
To feed
awareness of self and otherness by anchoring it in the base of universal values, the foundation of our humanity.
To contribute
to the emergence of a new governance.